Thursday, August 18, 2011

I'm not gone I promise

I've just had SHINGLES people!  


Old people get shingles....and apparently random 26yr olds.  

I am not out of the woods yet, but my left eye finally opened!  WhooHoo! hell.  Poppy had a 12 day sleep over with Aunt Kiki....only saw her via skype.....AWFUL.

I hope all of you are well and shingle free.  

I am catching up on 23 voicmails, 300 or so new emails, and of course, facebook and blog land.


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Typing in bullets

* Started a new job that allows Miss Poppy to join me

* Worked out on a Pilates Reformer for the first time.....super scared I won't be able to move tomorrow....fingers crossed!

* Poppy lurves sweet potatoes!

* Poppy tolerates green beans....

* May tear out my left eyeball....its been irritated ALL.DAY.LONG!

* Exhausted and going to bed! 

Bonne Nuit!

preparing for our first bite of solids


I can feed myself....give me the spoon!

Ah Dad!  Stop filming.....this is embarrassing! 

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