Saturday, July 23, 2011

Watermelon Cupcakes

This evening Kiki and I decided to make cupcakes.  I like to "wing it" which is why I usually don't enjoy cooking.  Having to pay attention to a receipt and watch it and blah blah blah.  My husband just whips things up and they taste fabulous....of course he does have a culinary degree whereas I do not.  I had seen the recipe for these cupcakes a while ago and thought to myself, "so easy!" so why would I need a receipt.  And really I didn't because it just called for box mix and food coloring.  I googled "watermelon cupcakes" and didn't find the exact receipt I had glanced over.  I did see a lot of pictures of watermelon cupcakes much nicer than ours and some much worse.  They were delish btw.  (Sorry the photos aren't the best :o!)

gettin to it

lovely pink hue

seriously....I love this chick.

Poppy giving us a thumbs up!
finished product

eaten product


  1. Those watermelon cupcakes were adorable!
    For the watermelon stroller i just typed it in at youtube and watched one of there tutorials! Its pretty easy too!


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